The second installment in Charlaine Harris' Southern Vampire series is titled "Living Dead in Dallas". After beginning a courtship with Vampire Bill Compton, bar maid Sookie Stackhouse finds herself in the middle of some serious vampire business. At the request of Bill's boss, Eric, Sookie and Bill venture to Dallas where Sookie is expected to use her telepathic powers to help find a missing vampire. She soon discovers the vampire is being held at an anti-vampire church called the Fellowship of the Sun. While posing as a young couple interested in the church, Sookie and one of Eric's fellow workers are captured by the Fellowship and held in the basement of the church. Sookie soon finds out that Eric's worker is a trader working for the Fellowship. With the help from a vampire named Godfrey, and a shape-shifter named Luna, Sookie manages to escape the Fellowship and returns to tell the vampires what has happened to her, which results in a massive slaughter of the Fellowship and the church.
Upon their return home, Sookie distances herself from Bill, feeling overwhelmed with all the drama and injuries her new relationship has brought to her normally low-key lifestyle.
I think Harris does an excellent job in her portrayal of a supernatural world. Her novels are mysterious and addictive. Each page will keep you on the edge of your seat, and once you begin reading her series, it is nearly impossible to stop.
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